Dental Implants in Chula Vista | Mary Spencer, DDS
If you have missing teeth, dental implants have become the most reliable solution available for teeth replacement. At the office of Mary Spencer, DDS, we both place and restore dental implants in Chula Vista. These prosthetics replace tooth roots and allow us to renew your smile with beautiful restorations.
If you are interested in improving your dental health after tooth loss, contact Dr. Spencer today for more information!
The Treatment Process
Dr. Spencer determines your edibility for dental implants with a thorough examination. Ideal candidates for dental implants have adequate jawbone structure and healthy gums; if neither of these conditions is met, preparatory procedures such as root scaling and planing and bone grafts may be necessary and can be provided in-office.
With dental implants in place, the negative consequences of tooth loss are prevented. Our smiles were meant to support a full set of teeth; when even one fails, the rest will respond. Teeth begin shifting out of place and your jawbone weakens through a process known as resorption. Implants stop this process by replacing tooth roots and providing continual stimulation to the jawbone.
Implant Restoration in Chula Vista
We utilize durable materials, such as porcelain, zirconia, and ceramic to craft beautiful new teeth that support full dental function and confidence. Implant restorations available from Dr. Spencer include:
- Single Unit Crowns
- Dental Bridges
- Overdentures and Hybrid Dentures
Implants typically take three to six months to heal. During this time you will be provided with a custom prosthetic so you can eat comfortably, whether you had one implant placed or several.
Dental Implants vs. Other Teeth Replacement Options
Many patients still depend on traditional prosthetics, including bridges and dentures. While these can be well-crafted and skillfully placed for improved dental function, prosthetics retained by dental implants offer benefits that cannot be matched by traditional bridges and removable dentures.
Dentures tend to slide during meals and conversations, leading to discomfort and embarrassment while bridges depend on the alteration of surrounding teeth for support. This is not the case with dental implants, which interact directly with underlying tissues and bone to provide you with a secure and comfortable smile.
Schedule Your Implant Consultation Today!
Dr. Mary Spencer provides effective teeth replacement with dental implants. With these permanent prosthetics, you have a second chance to preserve your oral health and continue smiling with confidence. To schedule an appointment for dental implants in Chula Vista, call our office today!